Whether you realize it or not, your website design affects your SEO. And with Google changing their algorithms so often and unannounced, there’s never a solid way to know how your site will be affected. Here at Sayles Industries, we stay on top of trends and algorithmic changes to ensure that our designs are always ahead of the curve. Each of our designs is fully responsive, which makes it accessible across all devices and helps enhance the user experience. As many people know, it’s this user experience that Google cares most about.
Having a responsive website ensures your visitors will have a seamless site visit. If you think responsive web design is just an option that doesn’t have much influence, think again. In 2015, Google stated that for the first time in history, there were more mobile searches than desktop searches in several countries, including the United States. This clearly indicates that regardless of your industry, people are turning to their smartphones to do their research. You wouldn’t want to lose out on the tremendous volume of mobile users simply because your website design isn’t catered to them.
Responsive design also helps with site speed, which is one of Google’s ranking factors. The better the site speed, the higher the chance that your visitor will stick around, rather than run to your competition. Responsive sites are designed to allow pages to load quicker, and this is necessary to increase chances of retention. Forget about images that take too long to load, animations that slow down movement, or tricky site navigation. Sayles Industries employs leading Pittsburgh web design experts to keep your page flow in tact.
Building a great website isn’t just about functionality — it’s about appeal, too. Because most people will make quick assumptions about a company based on their web design, it’s important to attract the eyes. The site should be pleasing to look at aesthetically and properly reflect the brand. A company that sells camping equipment, for example, probably wouldn’t want to use bright colors and and cursive typography. You’d probably rather opt for olives, browns, and bold fonts.
At Sayles Industries, our Pittsburgh web designers treat each business uniquely, based on their needs and brand. The end goal is always the same: to help attract more visitors, increase your rankings, and get you more conversions. Contact us today to see how we can help you.