What Is The Real Value Of Guest Blogging
Guest blog posts or simply guest posts present a wide array of benefits to you and your brand. Although it increases SEO and your influence in a particular industry, not everyone fully understands what guest blogging is and the value it offers. The premise is simple: you write some form of content and post it on different sites whose target audiences and platforms are relevant to yours. No, it’s not your average linking strategy. It’s a dedicated strategy that takes time, patience, and thorough planning. Fortunately, if executed correctly, the benefits pay for itself, and then some.
How Does Guest Blogging Increase Website Rankings
Brands of all sizes and in many different industries have found success through the power of guest blogging. Phil Libin, the CEO at Evernote, used his experience building a mobile application to pitch a guest blog on TechCrunch , and his efforts were highly successful. This demonstrates the ability to turn many subjects into a guest blogging opportunity. You can blog about the trials and tribulations of starting a business, applying for a loan, or launching a crowdfunding campaign. Or, you can blog about the subject matter in which your business specializes. Either way, guest posting or blogging is a great way to put your name (and your business) out there.
Increase Your Conversions
There are a few different ways you can increase your website conversions, and guest posting is one of them. When you guest post or blog, you spread your content, expertise, and name across the Web (through different sites), and this will ultimately come back to help you in the end. For example, if you were the owner of a marketing agency and guest posted an article about unique ways to sculpt your social media strategy on a well-known marketing blog, there’s a chance people will discover your marketing business. They read something that they see provides value, published on a forum they trust, and turn to you for more information.
Guest Blogging Increases SEO
Each time you guest post or blog on a reputable site, Google takes note. The more relevant guest blogs that you have posted, the more backlinks you get. One of the benefits of guest posting is the creation of backlinks. Whether you realize it or not, Google is huge on backlinks (ranking without it is nearly impossible) they want to know that the links pointing to you are relevant to your business and that you can be trusted as a credible source. The more backlinks you get using white hat SEO, the better chances you’ll have of appearing higher in the results of search engines. In return, people on the internet will know more about your business.
Forge Relationships With Business Owners & Publishers
When you guest blog, you form a relationship with the blog owner and other business owners who read your work. Don’t be surprised if, after your guest blog posting, you get emails from other publishers and business owners. These emails won’t always be about intent to purchase right away, but they do help secure connections in a world where networking can bring masses of opportunities. Relationships you form early on can be major revenue drivers later down the line.
Establish Yourself As a Thought Leader In Your Niche
Aside from increasing your conversions, you definitely want to establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche. It encourages potential investors, customers, and even event managers to trust you much more. With patience and perseverance, you might be able to speak at a conference or local event having guest blog posts around the Web means more people will know your name, and you’ll have more to show for yourself when applying for guest speaker positions or funding.